Docker is an open source software platform used to create, deploy and manage virtualized application containers on a common operating system (OS) with the aid of certain tools.
Installing Docker Engine
Linux | |
macOS | |
Windows | |
Essential Glossary related to Docker
Terminology | Meaning |
Image | A standalone, virtual and executable "package" that can run particular software configured inside it. |
Container | It provides isolated environment in order to achieve the separation between the host system environment and the environment contained within the image. |
Engine | It is an open source containerization technology for building and containerizing your applications. Acts as a client-server application with the server, api and the docker CLI(client). |
Hub | It iss a web-based storage platform for public/private access to docker images. |
Running a container
Start a container from image
docker run <image>
Start a container with custom name
docker run --name <your_name> <image>
Start a container in detached mode
docker run -d <image>
Start a container with Port mappings
docker run -P [host_port]:[container_port] <image>
Start a container with a hostname
docker run --hostname <your_name> <image>
Start container in interactive mode
docker run -it <image>
Start container with a specific entrypoint
docker run --entrypoint <executable> <image>
Start a container by mapping a local directory into the container
docker run -v <host_dir>:<target_dir_in_container> image
Operations on images
Build an image from Dockerfile
docker build <directory>/<url>
Download an image from DockerHub
docker pull <image>:[TAG] # can also specify version/TAG #default is the 'latest' version
List all the images
docker images
Remove all containers
docker rmi $(docker images -q)
List dangling images
docker images -f dangling=true
Remove all dangling images
docker rmi $(docker images -f dangling=true -q)
Give tag to an image
docker build tag <name>/<image_ID> <new_name>:[tag]
Save an image to a tar file
docker save <image> > <name.tar>
Load an image from a tar file
docker load -i <tar_file>
Operations related to a container
Stop or remove all the containers at once
docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq) docker stop -f $(docker ps)
List all the running containers
docker ps docker ps -a # list all active and stopped containers
Stop a container
docker stop <container1> <container2> ...
Delete a container
docker rm <container1> <container2> ... docker rm -f <container1> <container2> ... # force delete
Restart a running container
docker restart <container1> <container2> ...
Start a stopped container
docker start <container1> <container2> ...
Execute a command within a running container
docker exec <container> <command> # for e.g. docker exec -d mycontainer touch /tmp/execWorks
Copy files from localhost to container and reverse
docker cp <source_path> <container>:<dest_path> # localhost to container docker cp <container>:<source_path> <dest_path>
Rename a container
docker rename <old_name> <new_name>
Create an image from a container
docker container commit -a "author" -m "message" <container> <image_name>
Delete all the stopped containers
docker prune $(docker ps -a)
Show overall stats of all containers
docker stats <container>
Show logs of a container
docker logs <container>
Show processes running in a container
docker top <continer>
Show mapped ports of a container
docker port <container>
Detailed info about any docker entity
docker inspect <image>|<container>|<entity>
List files/directories added, edited or deleted from a container compared to the base image
docker diff <container>